Project title: Win²: Economics Education designed internationally and action-oriented (2014-2017)
Project number: VG-SPS-NI-001521-3

Project EU Bułgaria-Germany-Poland

Official web site of Erasmus+ WinWin project partners
  • Schools:
  • Private Trade School
  • III LO im. A. Mickiewicza
  • PG Nr 3 im. e. Plater
  • Oberschule Osternburg

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Win² schools

Win² start menu

Timeline of the events

Jan 2015
1st Project meeting
Views: 1513
Sep 2015
2nd Project meeting
Views: 1242
Sep 2016
3rd project meeting
Views: 1503
Our success
Views: 784
Feb 2015
1st Learning mobility
Views: 1347
Mar 2016
2nd Learning mobility
Views: 1562
Mar 2017
3rd Learning mobility
Views: 938

In the period 07.03-11.03 in Biala Podlaska took place "2. Learning mobility". The meeting was held under the slogan of internationalization.

Project time plan


Results of project

In the course of the project, will be developed 7 modules. Each will address a different theme, but together they form a unified whole, a complete program of teaching and learning.

Modul 1 Companies and Company Start-Up. Setting up a Student Company

Modul 2 Student Company Work and Career Guidance

Modul 3 Student companies act internationally

Modul 4 The Peer Approach in Student Company Work

Modul 5. Institutionalizing of School Companies in Schools.Sustainability Models of the School Company Work

Modul 6. Internet-based Training Concept

Modul 7. Theoretical and practical interlinking of student company work and teaching

Our goal

The aim of WIN² is to develop a school based curricula on secondary school level at partnered schools in Bulgaria, (Handelsgymnasium Varna and Village School Nikoaleva), Poland (Publiczne Gimnazjum nr 3 in Biała Podlaska and Zespół Szkół Ogólnokształcących nr 2 im. Adama Mickiewicza in Biała Podlaska) and Germany (Oberschule Osternburg in Oldenburg), focusing in particular on action-orientation and internationalisation linked to the subject of economic education and entrepreneurship education.

Our assumptions – WIN²

Introducing school companies is one possible instrument that integrates entrepreneurial thinking into the school curriculum in a methodological-didactic manner, but one that also fits into the wider organisation of the school (e.g. job and study orientation, inclusion, international cooperation)

For this purpose, also teachers need to develop the necessary methodological-didactic and entrepreneurial competencies. Therefore the partnered institutions IÖB from Germany (project-coordinator), RODN Rectus from Poland and the Free University of Varna from Bulgaria develop an internet-based teacher training concept „Economic Education Lessons and school companies: Theory and Practice“. The teacher training concept particular emphasize on the didactic combination between the school companies and the subject Economic Education itself, so that a lasting and permanent balance between theory and practice can be achieved.

Our products are


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Learning mobility: With the help of the learning mobilities in the project, all participating school students and teachers could attain the project goals. There were three learning mobilities each of one week within the whole project duration of three years: in Germany (2015), in Poland (2016), and in Bulgaria (2017). We invite you to learn more about our meetings.

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The project meetings of two days each organized also for teachers and lectures for understanding and discussing the project management issues and all relevant project activities, such as meetings with school students, goals, contents, methodology, didactic materials, etc., took place in Germany and Poland (2015), Bulgaria (2016) and finally again in Germany, Berlin (2017). We invite you to learn more about our project meetings.

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